Cards On the Table


Throughout my years in middle school, my favorite genre was mystery novels.

Nothing would be more exciting than the end of a thriller you've been reading for a week.

Many authors have great murder mystery novels, but nothing beats my favorite, Agatha Christie.

You have probably heard of her, if not you live under a rock.

She is the highest-selling fiction writer, selling over 2 billion copies of books. So every week of reading

in class would be about who killed Anthony Marston, Lord Edgware, and Samuel Rachett (these are

some of the murder victims in her novels.)

So here is a little teaser of one of my favorite mystery novels written by Agatha Christie

Cards on the Table.

For some background reference, Hercule Poirot is a world detective in the early 1900s, after being a

police officer for several years.

The story starts with Mr. Shaitana, a very famous party host, inviting many different people, such as

Poirot's fellow guests including three other crime professionals: secret serviceman Colonel Race,

mystery writer Mrs. Ariadne Oliver, and Superintendent Battle of Scotland Yard, Dr. Roberts,

Mrs. Lorrimer, Anne Meredith, and Major Despard.

Mr. Shaitana goes around and taunts people with comments they only understand. The guests break up to

play "Bridge," a top-rated card game at the time, and Mr. Shaitana rests by the fire. Only minutes later

he is found stabbed in the chest with a stiletto. While looking at background checks of everybody at the

party. Turns out every single person at the party had a motive to kill him. 

So have fun reading this new rollercoaster of a novel and don’t make too many conspiracy theories!

                                                                                                            Sincerely Darshan


  1. I really like mystery novels, and this one sounds very intriguing. I have read the Tommy and Tuppence books by Agatha Christie, but I haven't read any other book by her. I'll have to check this one out!

  2. pretty interesting book to say the least! I like mystery novels so I might give it a look some time, I also like how it is a mystery that we will be able to also solve. I wonder if they reveal who the murder was? and also, what is going on with the incredible space between each line?
    thanks for the recommendation!!

  3. I guess I live under a rock then as I've never heard of her. This does seem pretty interesting, especially with how it seems like it will really get you thinking about who the murderer is since all of them have.a motive. Maybe they're all working together? Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. This looks like a good book! I like mysteries a lot, and I am reading one Agatha Christie book (and then they were none) and I really like it, so I might read this one after. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This book sounds interesting. I wonder what their motives were, and how this book will play out, since it seems like their motives are all just as likely as one another. I look forward to reading it and finding out!

  7. This sounds very interesting! It kind of reminds me of the boardgame Clue lol. I will definitely check her books out!

  8. I've read a few of Agatha Cristine's books like murder on the orient express but have never heard about this one. Might read in the future thanks!


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