Reading the Book after Watching the Movie

Reading the book after watching the movie

Most of the time people read a book, enjoy the book, and then afterward a movie or TV show is released and people watch the movie. Often I end up following this path except it’s backwards. This was the case for me on a movie called Monster directed by Anthony Mandler which is an adaptation of Monster by Walter Dean Myers. After watching this movie on Netflix, I ended up reading the book.

When you watch a movie all the characters and settings are visually displayed and are set. This differs from a book in which you may use your imagination from the book’s descriptions to visually find out what everybody and everything looks like. For example, in the book, the setting is during the 1990s, but in the movie, the setting is the current time. This can change seriously because the type of technology during the book can significantly change the plot. In this instance most of the book took place in a courtroom, setting could change the evidence or laws in the trial. This is why people can be frustrated by movie adaptations.

Especially in comic book movies about superheroes. There was a very famous flop in the movie industry with the Justice League (2017). Zack Snyder, the director, had to leave due to family trauma, which led to Joss Whedon taking over. Due to the two-hour run time and the characters not being fleshed out like in the comics, it lost 60 million dollars. The studio had brought the old director, Zack Synder, and his version back to life. With the new 4 hours of run time, and the characters being original to the source. The Zack Synder cut made upwards of 650 million dollars. 

The adapting of books to movies can be a hard process, but when done with care and effort, the experience can be truly memorable.

                                                                                                                    - Darshan 


  1. I really like mystery novels, and this one sounds very intriguing. I have read the Tommy and Tuppence books by Agatha Christie, but I haven't read any other book by her. I'll have to check this one out!

  2. pretty interesting book to say the least! I like mystery novels so I might give it a look some time, I also like how it is a mystery that we will be able to also solve. I wonder if they reveal who the murder was? and also, what is going on with the incredible space between each line?
    thanks for the recommendation!!

  3. I guess I live under a rock then as I've never heard of her. This does seem pretty interesting, especially with how it seems like it will really get you thinking about who the murderer is since all of them have.a motive. Maybe they're all working together? Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. This looks like a good book! I like mysteries a lot, and I am reading one Agatha Christie book (and then they were none) and I really like it, so I might read this one after. Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This book sounds interesting. I wonder what their motives were, and how this book will play out, since it seems like their motives are all just as likely as one another. I look forward to reading it and finding out!

  7. This sounds very interesting! It kind of reminds me of the boardgame Clue lol. I will definitely check her books out!

  8. I've read a few of Agatha Cristine's books like murder on the orient express but have never heard about this one. Might read in the future thanks!

  9. I also love mystery books. The one genre hard for me to put down. But I guess I live under a rock😿. This murder mystery has struck my interest. Do you know where I can find this book?

  10. I'm a big Christie fan and I've actually never heard of this one! Do you know where I can find this book?

  11. I really like Mystery books and "Cards on the Table" sounds like it would be a really thrilling read! I'll have to check it out. My grandma is a big big fan of bridge so that's funny. I want to read this book because I am very interested in knowing how that guy got so many people to want to kill him...

  12. One of my favorite things when I was a kid was reading a book in school and then our teacher letting us watch the movie while eating popcorn after we finished. Good times.


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