Spider-Man. Anyone can wear the mask

     I've been reading Spider-Man comics lately. Throughout many of them the idea of "Anyone can read the mask" has some up many times. In this blog I want to explore that idea more.

    I recently read Spider-Man Noir which is an alternate version of Spider-Man from the WWII period. Even though he's not our usual friendly neighborhood Peter Parker, he's Spider-Man nonetheless. He beats up Nazi's instead of common crooks but the idea of "Great power comes great responsibility" remains the same.

    Spider-Ham is another instance of an alternate Spider-Man. He was a spider that got bitten by a radioactive pig and turned into a pig with spider abilities. He's inspired by cartoons such as Loony Tunes or Tom and Jerry. He's not even a human and yet he's still a hero to those around him. This drives the point that anyone can wear the mask.

    Lastly I'd like to talk about my favorite Spider-Man variant, Miles Morales. This was one of the first Spider-Man variants and he is a half black half Puerto Rican Superhero from New York. He's the main character of the award winning Spider-Verse series. At the end of the first movie, the final words are "Anyone can wear the mask".

    My final points are that anyone can wear the mask. You can help someone no matter how big the favor is no matter what background you come from. I only talked about Spider-Man Variants from the Spider-Verse Series but I encourage you to go read some comics that peak your intrest.

Thanks for reading



  1. I like the idea that anyone can "wear the mask", which sounds to me like it's saying anybody can achieve their goals no matter their background. I'm a little confused about the spider bitten by a pig and turned into a pig with spider abilities.

  2. I love Spiderman comics I really recommend the original comics in the 1960s. They are the best.

  3. I love Spiderman comics. specially the old ones(I agree with darshan), cuz they put focus on some life lesson and they are really interesting. and remember "We always have a choice, and we can always choose to do what's right."

  4. I must be truthful; I have never read a spiderman comic. I think I have to now though. I appreciate how you gave brief descriptions of each of the spiderman variants because I would have had no idea who they were. I like how anyone can wear the mask, whether person, or spider turned into pig with spider abilities.

  5. Spiderman is such a cool superhero concept. I think it brought a lot of diversity into this specific genre. Your review represents that really well. I know when "Across the Spiderverse" came out, alot of people made their own Spiderpeople, which was super cool to see. Thank you for your review!!

  6. I've seen a few of the spider man movies, is it the same pig as in the miles morales movie?

  7. Spider man has always been the best superhero comics for me, but most of mine have been about more of the classic spidermen, not the pigs of the Nazi killers. I always thought I understood the "anyone can wear a mask saying", but you gave me a different view of it. After reading your blog I can't even understand how I thought of it, only your version makes sense. I loved the Spider-Verse movies and I am definitely going to order some of the unique-r Spiderman comics.

  8. I didn't know there were this many spider man adaptations! I love the basic idea too, maybe one day I'll be swinging from skyscraper to skyscraper saving NYC.


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