How to Survive Your Murder - A Yapper's Review How to Survive Your Murder eBook : Valentine, Danielle: Tienda  Kindle

(Image sourced from Amazon)

BLOG: How to Survive Your Murder - A Yapper’s Review

Yap yap yap yap. Today, on the Giggity Goobers, I will be telling you all about *sparkle sparkle sparkle effect* How to Survive Your Murder by Danielle Robins. *sparkle sparkle sparkle effect should end here but doesn’t because I’m all-knowing and all powerful and it doesn’t do as I say*

Also I was totally inspired for this blog post by none other than Sloane! We were at the library once upon a time and How to Survive Your Murder was on the shelf and I was like “OMG I’ve totally read that book” and Sloane was like “OMG, which one?” and I was like “that one” and she was like “wow”. Yeah. Thanks Sloane! You should totally check out her blog >:).

The Bookshelf

(Image sourced from Amazon and Peppa Pig sourced from here, and photoshopped together by me)

(Okay I genuinely think something wonky happened here but I do not know what so do not regard this huge gap in my blog post)
Hehehehehe did you expect to see Peppa pig on the book cover??? Bet you didn’t >:)

Anywhosily dosilies, time for the actually reviewing. Wait. Wait. One moment. IT’S TEA TIME. ☕️๐Ÿซ–

Do you want some tea?



Here you go. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now drink up. There you go. (POV: we make eye contact while you’re sipping your homogenous hot water and tea leaf solution like the peaceful little homo sapien that you are and I’m the little gremlin that rummages through your closet at night for incriminating evidence)

Back on track time. Okay, so How to Survive Your Murder was a nastily delicious book. It had so many twists and turns I could not handle myself, that I think I exploded. 

The premise of the book follows Alice (not the one from Wonderland, but the one from the book) after the night her sister was ✨murdered.✨ So now Alice is super duper emo with no friends and all and she gets bonked on the head at the trial of her sister’s supposed murderer, Owen–I think his name was. Anyways, she gets bonked on the head, and BOOM, she gets sent back in time to the day her sister ✨perished✨ She then has to find out who attacked Claire, one of the murderer’s planned victims. And with a catch, if she finds out ‘whodunnit’, she gets to keep everything the same. Even her sister’s fate. Crazy, I know right?

Also Alice is a super horror movie fanatic so that was kinda interesting to see her analysis on some movies, and I even learned what a “Final Girl” was. (A final girl is basically any female protagonist in these horror-type storylines that survives to the end, like Ripley from the Alien franchise)

Anyways, review time >:)

So, I thought the book was a fairly educating read. As I said before, I learned some interesting bits about horror movies (like Final Girls IF you actually read the paragraph 2 above this one ๐Ÿ‘น) 

Anywho, thanks for reading! I hope you check my fellow Goobers’ blogs! 

Bye bye!

- Mattox


  1. This book sounds really interesting with all the time traveling murder stuff! It's also pretty cool how it's educating but in the sense of different horror movies lol

  2. The book sounds like a fun murder time travel book thingy! I would say I would check it out but I'm too lazy to even read ;)

  3. This books sounds really interesting. I really enjoy murder mysteries, so I think that I'll check it out soon! Thanks for posting.

  4. That sounds like an excellent book and like such a thriller! You've sold it as an amazing, anticipating book in a genre it might pop out in. Great review, like the style, and happy reading!

  5. I was interested by the oxymoron title, and the time traveling stuff is interesting. The plot seems very complicated in a way.

  6. Wow Mattox! This is a great blogpost, and murder mysteries are so fun to read. I'll definitely try to find it.

  7. This book sounds really interesting! I'll definitely check it out!


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